速報APP / 生活品味 / Glow Keyboard Customize Theme

Glow Keyboard Customize Theme



檔案大小:22.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Glow Keyboard Customize Theme(圖1)-速報App

Make Your Keyboard Look AMAZING with Glow Keyboard!

Customize and Theme your Keyboard to Suit your Style.

Users Love Glow Keyboard


***** 5 Star Review

Awesome af!! Love it is is so amazing.

- Victoire

***** 5 Star Review

I'm not going to lie, at first I though this wasn't going to work, that it would be another one of those scams. But to my suprise it worked perfectly!. It's a really cool app that i definitely recommend plus it's cool to show off to your friends!

- Bobalina

***** 5 Star Review

I love this app!! It's really cool and awesome and there is a lot of different styles and i think you should give it a try! Definitely 5 Stars!

- Grayson12345


Glow Keyboard Customize Theme(圖2)-速報App


- Systemwide keyboard. Works in all your favorite apps

- Customizable keyboard. Select your favorite themes and colors.

- Keyboard actually GLOWS when you type!

- Automatic Capitalization.

- Caps Lock support.

How to Save and Enable Your Glow Keyboard:


1. Open 'Settings' app.

2. Select 'General’ -> 'Keyboard’ -> 'Keyboards’

3. Select 'Add New Keyboard’

4. Select 'Glow Keyboard’

5. Select ‘Done'

7. Open your keyboard in any app and press the ‘Globe’ button to switch to Glow Keyboard.

Glow Keyboard Customize Theme(圖3)-速報App

Make Your Keyboard Look Amazing Today with Glow Keyboard!

Download Today for Free!
